Tango Café

Discover Ardour: Wellness, Dance, and Creativity in Cardiff


“Contemporary with Mike has been really beneficial to my wellbeing and getting to feel grounded. “I’ve enjoyed the challenge of moving my body with purpose in a safe space with others, free of judgement of ability and experience.

Butterfly Soup sessions have been meditative and calming. I particularly enjoy the expressing of our stories through body language, allowing us to build connection within ourselves and between other Queer humans.” – Mica, on Monday classes

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Our Tango Café at Ardour is held on the last Thursday of the month. It is a wonderful opportunity to practice what you learn in class, meet new people and enjoy our bar/café whilst Tango music is played in the background.
Tango Café provides a platform for dancers of all levels to come together, share their love for tango, and immerse themselves in its rich culture and history. Whether you’re a beginner eager to learn or an experienced dancer looking to refine your skills, the Café offers something for everyone.
You can pay on the door via cash or card. You can sit and relax or have a practice.

Beginners Argentine Tango – (May-June)

Beginners Argentine Tango – (May-June)

Argentine Tango

Argentine Tango

6 week course starting Thursday 23rd May
Thursdays 6:30 until 7:30

This course is suitable for beginners, including complete beginners, and those wanting to focus on basic techniques.

£40 for entire course (Drop in will cost £9 if there is still space)

You do not need a partner

Tango Café

Tango Café

Tango Café at Ardour Academy in Cardiff

The last Thursday of the month. 8:30pm until 11pm

There will be a mix of tango music, homemade treats (cakes, biscuits) and a bar. A friendly informal setting to come hang out with friends and dance or just sit and chat.

Tickets are £5 on the door

Tango Taster – 2nd May

Tango Taster – 2nd May

Argentine Tango

Argentine Tango

Thursday 2nd May 6:30 until 7:30

Our 6 week course starts end of May. This is a great opportunity to try a session and get to know our teachers.

FAQ: Where is Ardour Academy located

Our address is on Wellfield Road, right in the heart of Cardiff, the capital city of Wales. You can find detailed directions HERE on our website.
We are unfortunately not wheelchair accessible at the moment and working hard to change this in the future.
We do however run some of our sessions in wheelchair assessable locations, and off live streaming of some of our classes/events. Please get in touch if you wish to discuss accessibility.

*we try to make our classes as inclusive as possible so we are happy to offer hardship passes which will offer free passes to most of our classes for anyone unable to fund their classes. If you have a serious injury or disability, and wish to take part in our classes please let us know and we would be happy to offer a consultation with our director.

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